A Quick Survey

Wednesday, October 06, 2010 | 12 comment(s)

Anybody who has slept straight through the night while wearing a CGM, please raise your hand.


I think you're lying.

12 Comment(s):

Blogger DocWalk said...

Only when I leave in the farthest reaches of the house .......

Blogger Christine said...

Not once. Hi, thanks for disturbing my peaceful sleep with that 78 bg that you're picking up as 68 and have been alarming over for 2 hours now, while I dream about trucks backing up.

Blogger art-sweet said...

All the time. Srsly. The alarm on that thing is so puny it doesn't even begin to wake me.

Blogger Lyrehca said...

Ha! Have been up for the past two hours because of the alarms on my CGM. Hello 2-4 am!

Anonymous Scott K. Johnson said...

That is funny Kevin! The only solid night of sleep I get is when I either don't have it on, or I turn off all the alarms just to get some sleep!

Anonymous J.B. said...

I did last night, remarkably. One thing I learned for sure is to always start a new sensor in the morning!

Anonymous Sara said...

Haha! That's funny! I've had a few, but more often than not I get an extra alarm or two :)

Or, if I don't wake up to an alarm, I wonder why I didn't in the morning when I go back and look at the graph.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part ... it wakes up my husband ... who wakes me up to tell me my CMG is beeping at me!! Oy vey ... the joy! Kevin ... can I get a copy of your spreadsheet please? I would love to start tracking my numbers in detail with a spreadsheet that would impress my doc. =) lpkirk3@aol.com

Anonymous Brooky said...

I have been sleeping though the night with once or twice waking up due to lows on the Dex.

Blogger Unknown said...

I totally did last night! I woke up and checked my CGM, 82 - did a finger poke - 82! HOLY CRAP! My graph was pretty much a single straight line. I couldn't believe I didn't get on single alarm. NOW if I could just get my darling husband on his sleep apnea CPAP machine - I could possibly get a complete night of rest.

Blogger Lesley said...

I actually have -- but only by turning off ALL alerts (except for the 55/low one on the dex which you can't turn off). Though when I wore the dex on my abdomen, never. It was so inaccurate in that spot.
When I had the navigator (I loved the navigator), I used to sleep through the night all the time while wearing it.

Blogger Kim said...

I miss this blog.

That is all.

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